Guest Posting is usually a great tactic to make use of building your presence, as someone who uses a good number of guest posts. On my blogs I've noticed an amazing variety inside the quality of guest posts that I'm getting. I usually get 5-10 guest posts in a week, but couldn't use them all regardless of whether i needed to. There are things that make some guest posters a lot more attractive to me as opposed to others. In this article i want to explore 5 things that I've noticed about the best guest posters that set apart from the field. These things make them more attractive for me as being a blogger who evaluate guest articles, in addition to that they make the guest post more potent, which has the flow on effects for the guest poster.
A few weeks ago I had talked with one of my blogger friends who said that his guest post strategy ended up being to provide his second rate posts as guest posts to other blogs. He kept his best stuff for his own blog and made up half hearted posts for guest posts. While I understand the enticement to keep your best content for your own blog and provide the half hearted work for other blogs. If you want to maximize the risk of getting a guest post published on the well known blog and you want to free up its impact upon the readers of that blog, you have to keep the quality up in your guest posts. Second rate posts are not likely to get published and if they generally do they'll not get the traffic that the first rate posts would do. So spend some time to carefully write your guest posts and also to make them as useful as possible.
This will likely to vary just a little depending upon the blog you going to do guest posting. But I know if someone published a guest post in my blog that features a good creative commons licensed image with it, I'm much more likely to use it. And of course, everyone loves pictures, it will definitely lift a post to a different dimension and earn it attention seeking to audience.
If you have submitted an image to go with your post, don't forget to take a few minutes to optimize the image and make it all set for publishing. That means, decrease the file size of the image, so the page will take less time to load. Also, make sure that the image width will squeeze into the post box on the blog you're submitting to, in order that the blogger doesn't need to resize it. Name the image something that will help the SEO of the post (use a keyword in the post title). These things are generally deliver some small touches that can not only make an impression upon the blogger but also help the page to get loaded fast, looks great and rank somewhat higher in search engines.
You might think there isn't any reason to do this and its the job of blog owners, but if you want your guest post to rank well in the search engines, you're more prone to take advantage of the post, in the future as it'll continue to attract visitors (it'll also help spread some Google Juice to your own blog through your resource box backlinks). On page SEO includes ensuring you choose to work out what keywords you want the post to rank for and then using those keywords in places like the title of the post, header tags, picture alt tags and so on.
Another tip to think about before delivering an article is to look at the styling and formatting that the blog normally uses for its posts. For example , does the blog use headings in posts?. In that case, what header tags does it use ? If it's H3 tags, use the same in your article too. If the blog uses block quotes, consider using that also. If the blog features a byline in a certain style or format, include yours in that format. The more ready your post is, the faster it'll get published .